Omega-3 Healthy fats and its health benefits – By Dr harold Gunatillake Website: Omega-3 fights inflammation, supports brain health and normal cognitive function, is imperative for healthy fetal development, and combat depression while impacting diseases of mental decline, such as Alzheimer’s – to name a few. There is evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce high blood pressure or the risk of heart disease Omega-3 is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids considered healthy fatty acids found in foods, such as fish, eggs, and flaxseed, among others, and in dietary supplements. Why are they called Omega-3 fatty acids? All fatty acids are carbon chains linked together with double bonds. An omega-3 fatty acid is a fatty acid with multiple double bonds, where the first double bond is between the third and fourth carbon atoms from the end of the carbon atom chain. There are three omega-3 fatty acids. ...

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What is the need to consume Fish oil Capsules?-by Dr Harold Gunatillake Have you thought about the health benefits you seek? Fish oil is one of the commonly consumed dietary supplement your cardiologist would have recommended for you. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which benefits your health and wellbeing. Let us talk about Omega 3 fatty acids and their health benefits to mankind. Why are they called essential omega 3 fatty acids? Omega-3, also known as long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFA, are highly sought after for their human health benefits such as cardiovascular protection and improved cognitive development. They play an important role in cellular function and maintaining heart health, brain health, kidney function, eye health and skin health. ...

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