Vitamins Needed To Maintain Good health – By Ravi Mishra

Vitamins Needed To Maintain Good health – By Ravi Mishra

vitamins in foods - elanka

Source : Ravi Mishra Linkedin

Vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. They are essential organic compounds that our bodies require in small amounts for various physiological functions. Let’s delve into some fascinating information about different vitamins, their sources, and the amazing effects they have on our bodies:

  • Vitamin A: Found in carrots, spinach, and eggs, it promotes healthy vision, supports immune function, and contributes to vibrant skin.
  • Vitamin B1: Whole grains, nuts, and lean meats are excellent sources of this vitamin, which aids in energy conversion, supports the nervous system, and keeps our hearts healthy.
  • Vitamin B2: Milk, yogurt, and leafy greens provide this vitamin, essential for energy production, healthy skin, and optimal vision.
  • Vitamin B3: Niacin, found in meat, whole grains, and nuts, plays a vital role in energy metabolism, digestion, and maintaining healthy skin.
  • Vitamin B6: Present in bananas, poultry, and legumes, it assists in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, brain function, and red blood cell production.
  • Vitamin B7: Known as biotin, it can be obtained from eggs, nuts, and sweet potatoes. Biotin supports healthy hair, skin, and nails, and aids in energy metabolism.
  • Vitamin B9: Leafy greens, legumes, and citrus fruits are rich in folate, which is crucial for DNA synthesis, red blood cell production, and fetal development.
  • Vitamin B12: Meat, fish, and dairy products are excellent sources of cobalamin, important for red blood cell formation, nerve function, and DNA synthesis.
  • Vitamin C : Citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers provide a boost of vitamin C, supporting immune function, collagen production, and enhancing iron absorption
  • Vitamin D : Exposure to sunlight and foods like fatty fish and fortified dairy products help regulate calcium absorption, promote bone health, and support the immune system.
  • Vitamin E : Found in nuts, seeds, and vegetables oils, it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells, promoting healthy skin and eyes, and bolstering immune function.
  • Vitamin K : Leafy green vegetables and broccoli are excellent sources of this vitamin, vital for blood clotting, bone health, and regulating calcium metabolism.

Remember, a well-balanced diet is key to obtaining these essential vitamins. So let’s make healthy food choices and nourish our bodies for optimal health!  Feel free to share your thoughts and/or re-share the post. 

Stay Healthy Stay Blessed.

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